Sunday, March 15, 2009

chopped/transposed file

For this loop I first picked out a guitar sound from the FL Slayer channel and then chopped it. I did not want a bunch of short/quick beats or a lot of long notes so i chopped it until there where a few short notes followed by longer ones. Then i moved around a few notes to were it seemed fitting to get the beat i was looking for, which you hear throughout most of the song. I then chose a FPC file, added boo-bass and another Slayer channel to accompany my chopped layer. I also transposed this layer to mix up the sounds. For the next pattern that your hear, I chose another FPC file that was similiar to the first one I chose and added another Slayer channel for a different beat (I transposed this as well). I tryed to use just a few sounds (FPC, Slayer and boo-bass) but with differnt patterns and tones to create a sort of dark but laid back song, not to menacing or "happy/cheerfull.


  1. Clearly the chop and transpose functions are being used well. I only have a problem with the swirly sound that comes in when you introduce the riff for the second time. It's abrasive, and menacing- so if that's the sound you were looking for (Trent Reznor/ Nine Inch Nails) you got it, but it was overdone. Abrasive sounds are like powerful medicine- use carefully and in small quantities.

  2. I like the chopped part, it almost made my eyes dart around and me blink because of the suddenness. It is slightly dark, but not too much. I like it!
